are you someone who has never had a voice lesson?

Maybe you're not sure lessons are really for you.

Perhaps you want to contribute more significantly in your church choir or band.

Or you want to audition for a show, but don't know how to prepare your voice.

Or maybe you just love to sing and want to know how to improve your talent.

For any of these reasons and more, our

7-Lesson Voice Program for Beginners

could be a PERFECT fit for you.

The 7-Lesson Introductory Voice Program is specifically designed for singers of all ages and experience who have never had voice lessons.  

As you learn and begin applying the principles, techniques, and exercises taught in seven one-on-one, hour-long lessons, you will begin to understand how to enhance, build, and energize your singing voice, and how to apply all you are learning to the music you love to sing.

This is not a gimmicky "learn to sing in seven easy lessons" program, but is rather a carefully-crafted, one-on-one introduction to the principles and techniques of singing designed to give beginning students of all ages the foundation and tools of healthy singing.  Additionally, the program will  help you decide if on-going training would be a good option for you going forward, or if you feel you have now gained the important information and techniques you need to meet your present goals.  

Additionally, the information and instruction I will be providing flows from my training from some of the world's greatest teachers during my masters and doctoral degrees in vocal performance from the renowned Indiana University School of Music and my over 35 years as a twice-tenured Professor of Voice in university music schools and conservatories teaching singers who are literally performing around the world ranging from lead roles at the Metropolitan Opera and Broadway tours, to theaters, bands, gospel groups, and churches, among numerous other venues.  

Therefore, you can trust that the techniques you will learn have been carefully developed and refined by time and trial - and are based on sound principles that will wonderfully apply to any style you desire to sing.  

Most importantly, by meeting with me individually, the exercises and techniques used will not be "one size fits all," but will be specifically chosen and adjusted to address YOUR VOICE and your present level of understanding and expertise...whatever that may be.  As a result, you will be able to directly apply the techniques and training to the voice YOU have been given.  

What a great way to get started in your journey as a singer wherever and however you may find yourself using your voice in the future!

In the 7-Lesson Introductory Voice Program, here are just a few of the  benefits you can anticipate:

You will learn...

  • How to beautifully control your voice through full-body breath energy, strength, and posture.
  • How to apply the techniques to ALL styles of music from classical/choral to pop or country.
  • How to deeply communicate with your audience musically and vocally.
  • How to simultaneously add richness and projection to your voice.
  • How to sing with confidence and expression in any setting.
  • How to successfully prepare for any upcoming auditions.
  • How to sing freely without unnecessary tensions.
  • How to use text to add brilliance to your singing.
  • How to choose songs that fit your voice.

..and much more.


New Beginning Student Questionnaire
Your Sex *
Select the desired length of each of your seven lessons.
Are you desiring to receive your lessons in-person or online?
How would you like to be contacted?

Here is a detailed description of all you can anticipate learning each week.
Lesson Length Choices are 30, 45, or 60 Minutes 

Lesson One:  Breath and Physical Energy as the 

Foundation to Your Singing

In this lesson, you will learn how your body is already equipped to support, create, and energize the singing voice you may not even know you have!

Lesson Two:  Releasing Your Voice

Most people have ingrained tensions and ways of singing that cause the voice to be strained, muffled, or even painful at times.  This lesson will cover techniques and exercises that release and free the voice on the newfound breath energy you learned in lesson one.

Lesson Three:  Discovering the Richness of Your Voice

In this lesson, singers are often amazed at all of the beautiful colors their voices are capable of making.  As we explore how to open your throat and voice, you will discover a free and rich space that will add warmth and beauty to everything you sing.

Lesson Four: Focusing and Projecting Your Voice

Through applying several easy-to-understand techniques and exercises, this lesson teaches you how to focus and project your tone toward your audience, enhancing the spacious richness you discovered in lesson three.

Lesson Five:  Extending and Building Your Range

After supporting, freeing, opening, and focusing your voice, learn how to confidently and beautifully sing from the bottom to the top of your range.  In addition, learn how to extend it in a healthy way that will promote wonderful growth in the months and years to come.

Lesson Six:  Singing that Speaks

Many people may sing with a beautiful tone, but you can't understand their words!  In this lesson, we probe the incredible voice-building value of consonant and vowel production that simultaneously promotes increased freedom and clear communication.

Lesson Seven:  Bringing it Together - Techniques that Create Moving Performances

In any performance, singers have the opportunity of creating a unique experience for the audience that communicates a host of emotions and expression.  This lesson probes such elements as dynamics, tempo, vocal colors, and textual inflection - techniques that characterize truly moving performances.


New Beginning Student Questionnaire
Your Sex *
Select the desired length of each of your seven lessons.
Are you desiring to receive your lessons in-person or online?
How would you like to be contacted?